Safe Tips for Bringing a New Born Baby Out of the House

Many parents feel worried when they want to bring a new baby out of the house. Whereas as long as it's done in a safe way, you don't need to be afraid to take your child to see the outside world. A newborn baby should be avoided from anything that can make him sick, including germs, viruses, and pollution, such as cigarette smoke or vehicle smoke. Various causes of this disease are found outside the home, especially in public places. Even so, that does not mean newborns must remain in the house. It would be very good for the baby if he was taken outside to breathe fresh air outside the room, and feel the exposure to morning sunlight which can stimulate the formation of vitamin D in the body.

Tips for Inviting Newborns Out of the House

Follow these tips so that your little one stays safe when invited out of the house:

Protect the skin from sun exposure

Although beneficial, sun exposure risks damaging the skin of newborn babies who are still very delicate and thin. So, it is recommended to protect the skin with a closed shirt, put a hood on the stroller (baby carriage), or use an umbrella when outside the home. If your child is 6 months old or older, you can apply sunscreen to her body. However, if your child is not yet 6 months old, the use of sunscreen should be consulted first with a doctor. Choose a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF specially formulated for babies, and free of harmful chemicals. To avoid irritation, as much as possible looking for sunscreen that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Apply sunscreen about 15-30 minutes before taking Little One outside the house, even though the weather is cloudy. Reapply at least every 2 hours to ensure your little skin remains perfectly protected from the sun.

Choose clothes that are comfortable and suitable for babies

Do not overdo it and force the style in choosing clothes for your little one. Choose clothes that make him feel comfortable according to the weather and outside temperatures. For example when the air is hot, avoid wearing Little Clothes and pants made from thick and tightly closed when out of the house. Because basically, babies overheat more easily than adults. Just wear your little clothes made from thin, soft, and easy to absorb sweat. Also choose brightly colored clothes to avoid mosquitoes. Conversely when the rainy season comes and the temperature tends to be cold, choose clothes that make your child feel warm. Baby blankets can be a practical choice to keep them warm when the air is cold. If you want to bring your child out of the house for more than an hour, make sure you bring a change of clothes and various needs, such as diapers, wet tissue, and milk.

Limit meeting with many people

Bringing a newborn baby to the park or to a place that is not too crowded may not have to worry about, as long as the place is clean. But if Mother intends to invite Little to a crowded place, such as a mall, restaurant, or cinema, you should reconsider. This is because the immune system of the newborn is still weak, so the bacteria that are spread when other people cough or sneeze near the Little One are very likely to attack the body. Unless your child is 2-3 months old. At this age, the baby's immune system is stronger to fight the bacteria that cause infection. Even so, when there are people who want to hold or touch Little before washing their hands, do not hesitate to forbid it. Bringing the baby outside the house is okay and can provide benefits, as long as observing the things above. However, if your child is sick, for example, fever, diarrhea, or cold cough, you should consult your doctor first before taking her outside.


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